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Staff List
Please click on the list below to see our staffing teams
- Mr D Blachford - Head of Maths (david.blachford@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr T Adebesin - 2nd in Maths (Year 9 and 10) (tola.adebesin@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms B Smith - 2nd in Maths (Year 7 and 8) (beth.smith@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms E Assar - Teacher of Maths / Numeracy Lead (erika.assar@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss A Clitheroe - Teacher of Maths / Head of Year 8 (alice.clitheroe@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss J Kemp - Teacher of Maths (julie.kemp@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms M Thomas - Teacher of Maths (michelle.thomas@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr R Halford - Head of English (russell.halford@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs J Thompson - 2nd in English (jessica.thompson@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr J Campbell - Teacher of English (josh.campbell@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss T Choudhury - Teacher of English (Tahssnia.choudhury@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr L Haycock - Teacher of English (lewis.haycock@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr O Lee - Teacher of English (oliver.lee@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Lenton - Teacher of English / Literacy & Digital Strategy Lead (sally.lenton@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr N O'Rourke - Teacher of English (neil.o'rourke@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr C Jones - Head of Science (chris.jones@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr I Ferrer - 2nd in Science (ivan.ferrer@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs K Adedayo - Teacher of Science (kudrat.adedayo@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs H Burrows - Teacher of Science / Deputy Head of Year 7 (hayley.burrows@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr B Colclough - Teacher of Science (ben.colclough@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss H King - Teacher of Science / STEM Outreach Lead (helen.king@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr A Threadingham - Teacher of Science / Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) (adam.threadingham@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms A Tranter - Teacher of Science (amie.tranter@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs C Mason - Joint Head of MFL (charlotte.mason@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss N Qureshi - Joint Head of MFL (nadia.qureshi@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr S Crowe - Teacher of MFL (sam.crowe@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss Z Gilbert - Teacher of MFL (zoe.gilbert@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs W Hobbs - Teacher of EAL (wanjun.hobbs@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr D Quirke - EAL Coordinator (daniel.quirke@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs A Wood - Teacher of MFL (adrianna.wood@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs C Roberts - Head of Digital Technology (clare.roberts@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Dr C Marden - Teacher of ICT and Computing (caroline.marden@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss A Tomlinson - Head of History (amie.tomlinson@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr T Gayter - Teacher of History (tom.gayter@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr H Hick - Head of Geography (harry.hick@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr J Annison - Teacher of Geography / Head of Year 10 (jake.annison@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms R Fletcher - Assistant Headteacher (Progress) / Teacher of Geography (rebecca.fletcher@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr M Tumber - Head of Ethics and Religious Studies (mike.tumber@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr S Norman - Teacher of Ethics and Religious Studies / Head of Year 11 (sam.norman@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr J Mersey - Teacher of Ethics and Religious Studies / Assistant Headteacher (SEND / SENCo) (joe.mersey@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr N Bryant - Head of PE (niall.bryant@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms E James - Teacher of PE / Head of Year 7 and Transition (emma.james@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr A Kildea - Teacher of PE (aaron.kildea@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms G Selby - Teacher of PE / RSHE Curriculum Lead (georgia.selby@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Stokes - Head of Music (sally.stokes@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms L Howard - Teacher of Drama (lara.howard@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr N Ogley - Teacher of Music and Drama (neil.ogley@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs F Yesmin - Head of Art and Photography (fori.yesmin@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S L Payne - Teacher of Art and Photography (sarah.l.payne@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr T Hobbs - Head of Technology (tony.hobbs@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr B Wagstaffe - Head of Food Technology (ben.wagstaffe@miltoncross-tkat.org)
Alliance (Suite / Reset)
- Ms Z Frowen - Reset Coordinator (zara.frowen@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr D Beasley - Alliance Suite (damon.beasley@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs M Bibby - Alliance Suite (michelle.bibby@miltoncross-tkat.org)
Support Staff
- Ms L Bateman - Careers & Post-16 Coordinator (louise.bateman@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr M Chuter - Assistant Librarian (matthew.chuter@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs C Cross - Operations Support Manager (carla.cross@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs L Dyer - Exams Officer (linsey.dyer@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs J Ferrigan - Data and Timetabling Manager (janine.ferrigan@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs J French - PA to the Headteacher (janet.french@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs P Hall - Finance Assistant (penny.hall@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs L O'Brien-Ewart - Community, Display & Reprographics Officer (lisa.o'brien@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S P Payne - Attendance Officer (sarah.payne@miltoncross-tkat.org / parentabsensereplies@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Price - Receptionist & Curriculum Administrator (selina.price@miltoncross-tkat.org / office@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms E Romain - Student Health Lead (First Aid, Medication and Immunisations) (emily.romain@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs A Taviner - Finance & Admin Assistant (annaliese.taviner@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss C Wapshare - Media and Marketing Officer (clare.wapshare@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms K Aird - Teaching Assistant (kelly.aird@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs J Ayling - Teaching Assistant (jenni.ayling@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss S Bradfield - Teaching Assistant (sally.bradfield@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs C Domm - Student Support Worker (claire.domm@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss G Dunn - Teaching Assistant (georgia.dunn@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms J Errington - Teaching Assistant (jillian.errington@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss F Game - Teaching Assistant (frances.game@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms S Gonnella - Teaching Assistant Coordinator (sam.gonnella@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr T Hewett - Victory Suite Manager (tony.hewett@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Maloney - Teaching Assistant (Selina.maloney@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs H Mulryne - Student Support Worker (helen.mulryne@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss L Mulryne - Teaching Assistant (lacey.mulryne@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs R Musson - Victory Suite Assistant (rebecca.musson@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs L Sainsbury - Teaching Assistant (laura.sainsbury@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms T Turner - Teaching Assistant (tracy.turner@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss D Williams - Teaching Assistant (deanne.williams@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Wilson - SEND Support Officer (sarah.wilson@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Bradfield - ACE Tutor (sally.bradfield@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss T Hart - ACE Tutor (taylor.hart@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss H Pannell - ACE Tutor (hollie.pannell@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs S Rodriguez - ACE Tutor (suzanne.rodriguez@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms A Turner - ACE Tutor (abi.turner@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs C Canham - Senior Science Technician (catherine.canham@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr M Cross - Art & Technology Technician (mathew.cross@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs C Godfrey - General Technician (claire.godfrey@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr T Fairweather - Senior Cover Supervisor (tim.fairweather@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr S Daniel - Cover Supervisor (santhosh.daniel@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs P Kaur - Cover Supervisor (polly.kaur@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss L Thornton - Cover Supervisor (laura.thornton@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr B Standen - TKAT Engage Coordinator (ben.standen@miltoncross-tkat.org)
Year Teams
- Miss E James - Head of Year 7 (emma.james@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs H Burrows - Deputy Head of Year 7 (hayley.burrows@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss P Southam - Pastoral and Welfare Officer for Year 7 (paula.southam@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss A Clitheroe - Head of Year 8 (alice.clitheroe@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs M Hewitt - Pastoral and Welfare Officer for Year 8 (marie.hewitt@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mrs T Paffett - Head of Year 9 (tammy.paffett@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Miss M Cooper - Pastoral and Welfare Officer for Year 9 (maria.cooper@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr J Annison - Head of Year 10 (jake.annison@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms H Eustace - Pastoral and Welfare Officer for Year 10 (hannah.eustace@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Mr S Norman - Head of Year 11 (sam.norman@miltoncross-tkat.org)
- Ms J Rose - Pastoral and Welfare Officer for Year 11 (julie.rose@miltoncross-tkat.org)