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Wellbeing and good mental health is vital for learning in the classroom and without it, young people, and adults, find it difficult to flourish and reach their potential.

"Although there are research studies to back up this claim, most educators will know from their own experiences that when we have a sense of wellbeing in our lives, we are far better able to take in new information, take risks in our learning and take responsibility for our learning."
Young Minds in Schools

At Miltoncross Academy, we aim to develop the whole person. We celebrate success, encourage aspiration and strive to instil a strong sense of self-esteem and responsibility. Supporting student wellbeing and mental health is a vital part of this process.

All of our staff help support students through life's inevitable setbacks and challenges, whilst class tutors, ACE tutors, Year teams, and loss companions offer more structured support whenever it is needed. We are also able to refer to more specialist support including the Mental Health Support Team and the Child and Adolescent Mental Heath team, both of which are operated by the local NHS trust.

We have high expectations of personal conduct. Miltoncross Academy is a professional working environment where students and staff are expected to display courtesy, consideration, and tolerance at all times. By sharing this positive attitude we are all able to make Miltoncross an emotionally aware place which supports all our wellbeing and mental health.



At the bottom of this page, we have included some important links:

  • Youth Wellbeing Directory (Anna Freud Centre)
  • Emerging Minds (available in many languages)
  • Youth Minds (which includes advice about getting urgent help)
  • Place2Be (which also has urgent help available)

Along with Kooth, these approved sites contain lots of accessible information and guidance, including how to support young people in crisis.  If you believe someone is in immediate danger, call 999.


Useful Links and Information