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Welcome to our website and to our school.  At Miltoncross, we offer our students: strong teaching, committed staff, excellent facilities and a wide range of extracurricular opportunities. 

We are determined that Miltoncross students receive a rounded education that enables them to be academically and personally successful.  We aim to prepare our children and young adults to compete for the best college courses, university places and careers. 

We believe that for young people to truly reach their potential in school, they must be self-disciplined and self-motivated and so we work closely with them to support and enable them to achieve those high standards.  We expect staff and students to live by our core values every day because we know that we will all reap the rewards. 

Our core values are simply:


  • Work Hard.
  • Be Kind.
  • No Excuses.

Our students are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and to take responsibility for their studies, and their behaviour.  We expect kindness and compassion from everybody involved with the school so that all students and adults can attend a friendly, warm and caring school.  It is because we care about our young people's futures so much that we will always demand high standards in everything that we do.  

Our curriculum is designed to inspire young people to 'flourish' in our beautiful world; it is wide ranging and well balanced, always aiming to meet the needs of individuals. 

It is supplemented by an exciting careers' program that is designed to help young people make strong decisions about their futures. Our young people's personal development is well supported by a strong extra-curricula program which includes clubs, sports, trips and visits.  Most importantly though, all learning at Miltoncross is underpinned by our absolute determination that all children will read regularly and will learn to read well.  

We come together as a whole school community twice a day with our Roll Call.  We share thoughts, pass messages, check standards and prepare for learning. This is followed by 20 minutes of tutor reading in the morning, where students and adults explore exciting themes, characters and storylines together. All tutor books are chosen for their literary merits and their socially topical themes. In the afternoon, students and adults have the opportunity to read independently with a book chosen from the library or from home. It's my favourite time of day as I often drop in on a tutor group and read my book - lovely times!

If you are thinking of sending your child to Miltoncross Academy, you can rest assured that we are a school committed to supporting students to achieve high standards and to take personal responsibility; we will meet that with excellent teaching and dedicated pastoral support, all of which will lead to strong educational achievement.   

I sincerely hope that you find what you are looking for on our website but if not, please contact us and we will be only too happy to help. 

N Giles round








Mr N S Giles