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- Remote Learning
Remote Learning
Welcome to our Home Learning Environment page, filled with resources and information to help our school community with learning from home. You can find links to all our learning portals, Year Group Workbooks, and many other activities and resources.
When using Google Classroom for Remote Learning, students should follow their in-school timetable.
Please head to our Policies page to read our Remote Curriculum Offer. On this page, you’ll also be able to find further information in the document titled “Providing Remote Education Information To Parents”, our Safeguarding Policy, and the TKAT Remote Learning Policy.
Google Classroom
All Home Learning is now set through Google Classroom. New work is set each week and is bespoke to each class from their subject teachers.
Moving to Google Classroom will allow us to set higher quality work and allow us to provide pupils with more in-depth feedback and support.
If you have any issues with Google Classroom login details then please send a message to the address linked above and we can resolve the issues.
Google Classroom for Parents
By Monday 12th October 2020, all parents/guardians should have received an email inviting them to join Google Classroom as a Guardian. This system will allow parents to get daily or weekly updates regarding their child(ren)’s current workload.
If you, after Monday 12th October, have not received your Google invite, please click here to email our Home Learning address so we can verify your information.
If you have received your invite, you must have a Google account for Classroom to work. This does not have to be a gmail.com address.
To create your Google account using an existing email address:
- Go to the Google Account Sign In page.
- Click Create account.
- Enter your name.
- Click "Use my current email address instead".
- Enter your current email address.
- Click Next.
- Verify your email address with the code sent to your existing email.
- Click Verify.