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Pupil Premium
Please go to our Policies page for our 2024 Pupil Premium Strategy and annual review.
The next review of our Pupil Premium Strategy is October 2025.
Literacy Support:
- Common Grammar Errors
- Discourse Markers
- Miltoncross Literacy Mat
- Literacy and Discourse Marker Mat
- MX Marking and Proofreading Key
- Spellings - look, say, cover, write, check
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/games/ - games that use English, Maths and Science to play!
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/english/ - reading, writing, etc. skills – revise and test
- http://www.slimekids.com/games/spelling-games/ - a link through another school’s website
- http://gamestolearnenglish.com/ - lots of games (EAL appropriate too)
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/games - older games (Maths and Science too)
- http://www.educationquizzes.com/gcse/english/ - Purpose, Audience and Form, plus Grammar quizzes (some Maths and Science too)
- http://www.chompchomp.com/exercises.htm - explanations about grammar and quizzes
- http://literarydevices.net/ This a list of literary devices that are quite useful for coursework.
- SuperSummary
Accelerated Reader
- Popular-ar-books-by-level.pdf
- http://www.arbookfind.co.uk/ (This is a search engine to find books that are on Accelerated Reader.)
- https://ukhosted40.renlearn.co.uk/2256235/HomeConnect/ (This is a link to Renaissance Home Connect. Students and parents can access Accelerated reader from home to have a look at progress and track their achievements.)
- Every Teacher at Miltoncross is a Teacher of Reading
Our school is using the Lexia Reading software to help students practice and develop fundamental reading skills. As an added benefit, you can install Lexia Reading at home to extend your child’s practice time.
Numeracy Support
What is Numeracy?
Numeracy is a fundamental life skill that is needed in many facets of everyday life - personal, leisure, social and work - in order for people to lead a confident and fulfilling life in school and beyond. Numeracy needs to be seen as a practical capability that enables learners to apply their skills and knowledge to solve problems in a whole range of contexts across school and in real life. Across our curriculum we approach numeracy from a life skill perspective as well as to improve the general mathematic ability of our students.
The importance of Numeracy across the curriculum
At Miltoncross Academy we recognise the importance that numeracy has on the whole curriculum and know that numerate students are those who are confident and competent at using numbers in any context, as well as having the inclination and ability for problem solving. Good numeracy skills boost students’ self-confidence and self-esteem and will help them to progress in all aspects of school life and into their future career choices.
At the academy we each take the opportunity once a week to do a numeracy exercise with our Tutor groups. The Numeracy Coordinator prepares resources on a weekly basis to be used by students all across the school, linking the mathematical skills and knowledge learnt in the classroom with an understanding of how maths is used in an everyday context, along with problem solving tasks. This is a great opportunity for students across the whole spectrum of mathematical ability. Our strongest mathematicians are able to support and extend the knowledge of others in their Tutor group, whilst consolidating and embedding their own skills and abilities. This also assists students who may have found it difficult to engage with a particular concept in class, to use the same concept to problem solve and work in teams with their peers.
During extended tutor there will be paired numeracy taking our highest achieving mathematicians to work with the younger pupils in order to improve numeracy for these pupils.
Numeracy Policy
Curriculum areas will endeavour to ensure that materials presented to students will match their capability both in subject content and in numerical demands. They will liaise with the Special Needs and Mathematics departments when appropriate in order to support their teaching of numeracy.
All teachers should consider students ability to cope with the numerical demands of everyday life and provide opportunities for students to:
- handle number and measurement competently, mentally, orally and in writing
- use calculators accurately and appropriately
- Interpret and use numerical and statistical data represented in a variety of forms.
Mathematics in other subjects
Sometimes it is really clear when students are studying numeracy skills in other curriculum areas. For example it is clear to see the maths skills in drawing a graph for a science experiment or using a formula to find and unknown quantify in E=MC2. In Design and Technology you can clearly see the mathematical skills of drawing compound shapes from plan, side and elevation views or working out the amount of material required to build a set of iPod speakers.
To aid in explicitly identifying the use of numeracy or mathematics in other subjects the teacher will use a maths hat symbol designed and chosen by the pupils in the powerpoints or lesson material.
If you are interested to find out more about how Maths is used on a daily basis across the curriculum, please contact Ms Assar (Numeracy Coordinator).