- Progress 8 Score = -0.53
- Attainment 8 Score = 38.8
- % of cohort that received a 5 or above in EM Combined = 30%
- % of cohort that received a 4 or above in EM combined = 53%
- % of students entered to Ebacc = 73%
- % of student that achieved Ebacc = 15
- % of students that were NEET = 0
- Progress 8 Score = -0.9
- Attainment 8 Score = 35.4
- % of cohort that received a 5 or above in EM Combined = 27%
- % of cohort that received a 4 or above in EM combined = 52%
- % of students entered to Ebacc = 79.64%
- % of student that achieved Ebacc = 20.36%
- % of students that were NEET = 1.2%
Centre Assessed Grades (due to Covid-19).
Click here to view students post 16 destinations for 19/20.
- % Achieved 5+ EM = 33%
- % Achieved 4+ EM = 58%
- % EBACC Entered = 76%
- % EBACC Pass = 34%
- % Achieved 5+ EM = 38%
- % Achieved 4+ EM = 66%
- % EBACC Entered = 71%
- % EBACC Pass = 41%
- 4+ - 50%
- 5+ 30%
- EBACC Entries 44.09%
- EBACC Pass - 25.2%
- 4+ 48%
- 5+ 22%
- EBACC entries - 44.79%
- EBACC pass - 26%