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Attendance Matters
Attending school every day is essential if students are to obtain the best possible outcomes from school including GCSE grades.
At Miltoncross we aim for 100% attendance. If a student falls below 95% we will initiate procedures which can include a letter home, an attendance meeting, a School Attendance Panel, a welfare visit from Hampshire Constabulary or fast track to penalty notice. In extreme circumstances the school will pursue court action which can lead to a substantial fine or even a prison sentence. It is also our duty to report chronic non-attendance to Portsmouth City Council and Early Help on a half termly basis.
Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for ensuring they regularly attend. If your child fails to do so, you are at risk of receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice or further prosecution.
You also need to think about the negative impact this will have on your child’s wellbeing, including their learning, sociability, self-esteem and self-confidence.
The Ofsted expected minimum attendance rate for school-aged children is 96%.
Attendance is monitored closely at school. We will be in contact with you regularly if we notice any areas of concern. The minimum attendance level expected by us in school is 96%.
- 100% - perfect, no cause for concern whatsoever.
- 90% to 95% attendance - okay but needs improving.
- 89% and below - poor with serious concern, parents will be contacted.
Reporting An Absence
When your child is absent from school through sickness or for any other reason, please ensure that the school is contacted and made aware of the reason for their absence - It is your responsibility to call the school on each day that your child is unable to attend.
There are several ways in which the school can be informed and contacted:
- By telephoning the school on 02392 738 022 and either:
- Responding to the recorded message asking if you want to leave an absence message by pressing 1, or
- Leaving a message with the receptionist;
- Leaving a message on the school answerphone.
- By emailing the school using: parentabsencereplies@miltoncross-tkat.org
If you receive a letter concerning a recent unauthorised absence, please follow the instructions and provide the school with the information required. On your child’s return to school, please send in a note explaining the reason for absence.
It is crucial that you inform the school as soon as possible whenever your child is absent, whatever the reason. Also, please be reminded that any absence due to illness beyond five days requires medical evidence, for example a hospital appointment card/letter, a prescription or the packaging of the dispensed medication which can be photocopied. If medical evidence is not provided, the absence will remain unauthorised.​
Authorised Absences
Only the school in conjunction with the parent may legally authorise an absence. Wherever possible, the school should be notified in advance by letter or telephone call. Acceptable reasons for authorising an absence are as follows:
- emergency medical/dental appointment (routine appointments should be booked after school or during school holidays and unless for a specific notified reason should not mean your child is absent for the whole day)
- arriving late during registration
- religious observances
- bereavements (close family members)
- exclusion from school
Unauthorised Absences
The following are not considered acceptable reasons for absence:
- holidays taken during term time
- Truancy
- shopping during school hours
- personal appointments such as hairdressers
- Birthdays
- taking deliveries
- minding the house or looking after brothers and sisters (except during exceptional emergency circumstances)
- no letter of explanation from parents
- arriving late to school during lesson times
Exceptional Circumstances
Holidays are NEVER routinely authorised however you may have exceptional circumstances that need to be considered. If this is the case a letter, addressed to the Headteacher is required. Each case is considered individually. A Leave of Absence form must be collected from reception, completed and submitted, in advance, for all planned absences.
If your child cannot attend school on a particular day, please contact the school that morning to let us know why and each consecutive day until your child returns.
The absence direct line telephone number is:
02392 738022 (choose option 1 and leave a message).
The Attendance email address is:
Booking Summer Holidays
Attending school is really important for children and young people's educational progress and their wellbeing. It is important that they attend school every day.
Permission for leave during term time can only be given by the Headteacher and parents can be fined for taking their children on holiday during term-term without the school's permission. A request for leave during term time may be made in writing to the Headteacher. To be able to grant leave, the Headteacher must receive the request for leave in advance and be satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.