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At Miltoncross Academy we aim to make sure all our students become the very best mathematicians. We believe that every child can learn Mathematics when given the appropriate learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom.

Our curriculum ensures that all students have the opportunity to master key mathematical content for their age and reflects the high expectations we have for all our children.

Our practice will ensure that students understand the importance of deep understanding and do not equate success with just learning new procedures. We ensure that students remember concepts for the long term and this is achieved by ensuring we study these concepts in a variety of ways and revisit them regularly through recall and retrieval tasks. It is important for our students to think like and read like mathematicians rather than just doing the Maths. Students will interpret data, formula and understand the literacy demands of the subject and this is promoted by encouraging them to use mathematical language throughout their learning so they are able to apply this powerful knowledge beyond the classroom.


Here you will find the KS3 curriculum mapped to each Year.

You can see the terms, weeks and the date for each week along with the topics being taught. This may vary by a week or two but as a summary of coverage this is what your child will be studying as the year progresses.

The column labelled Fundamentals contains Sparx codes that cover the core foundational aspects of that topic. The KS3 column contains codes matching the content being taught for that year group.


What does this mean and how can it help?

As your child will have a Sparx account, you and your child will have the opportunity to supplement their study independently of maths lessons. This might be useful for missed lessons, periods of absence and for reviewing past work that maybe didn’t go so well in class. At times, your child's Maths teacher may contact you and suggest specific codes that may help address issues arising, or to provide catch up opportunities.

Also, this may be an extremely cost effective way to address any progress concerns before seeking the help of an expensive private tutor. In a sense, you will be able to act as a private tutor in that you can direct your child to areas of the curriculum and let Sparx do its thing.

We hope you find this helpful and do not hesitate to contact the maths department for further assistance and guidance if required.



Here you will find the GCSE curriculum mapped to the whole year. You can see the terms, weeks and the date for each week along with the topics being taught. This may vary by a week or two but as a summary of coverage this is what your child will be studying as the year progresses.

The column labelled Fundamentals contains Sparx codes that cover the core foundational aspects of that topic. The KS3 column contains codes matching the content in Years 7 and 8, and the GCSE column contains codes that cover GCSE content.


What does this mean and how can it help?

As your child will have a Sparx account, you and your child will have the opportunity to supplement their study independently of maths lessons. This might be useful for missed lessons, periods of absence and for reviewing past work that maybe didn’t go so well in class. At times, your child's maths teacher may contact you and suggest specific codes that may help address issues arising, or to provide catch up opportunities.

Also, this may be an extremely cost effective way to address any progress concerns before seeking the help of an expensive private tutor. In a sense you will be able to act as a private tutor in that you can direct your child to areas of the curriculum and let Sparx do its thing.

We hope you find this helpful and do not hesitate to contact the maths department for further assistance and guidance if required.
