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Social Sciences
RSHE, You in Your World
Our Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSHE) curriculum helps students embrace the challenges of living happy and successful adult lives. It guides students in their quest for the knowledge they will need to enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, to build their self-confidence in adult life and to empower them with a voice that will equip them for life and learning in the world beyond school.
Our curriculum is taught as part of the Key Stage Three and Key stage 4 timetable. In both key stages the content reflects the Government’s PSHE guidance. For key stage 3 the topics are organised into six linked focus areas:
- Being me in My World
- Celebrating Difference
- Dreams and Goals
- Healthy Me
- Relationships
- Changing Me
In Year 11, with the curriculum focusing around life after Secondary School, the focus areas are as follows:
- Building for the Future
- Next Steps
- Communication in Relationships
- Independence
- Families
These focus areas, which spiral upwards through the curriculum each year, have been carefully developed using some of the most up-to-date, expert written resources available and are consistent with the aims of the PSHE Association and Portsmouth Local Education Authority. In addition to the taught curriculum, we also deliver the curriculum through assemblies, drop down days and with the use of guest speakers, reacting to local, national and global issues of importance to our students as they arise. We develop reading skills to ensure students are able to access relevant and up to date information regarding their own development as human beings.
Our Relationships & Sex Education Policy was written in consultation with parents. This consultation resulted in 100% backing of the Academy's RSE policy with 91% of respondents believing the Academy should answer any questions a student may have about relationships or sex education. From this consultation, we also intend to establish regular parent surveys in order to maintain an open dialogue about this important subject. It is our expectation that all parents will want their children to take part in all aspects of RSHE; should you have any concerns about the sex education element of the Relationships Sex and Health Education, please contact Miss Selby, the curriculum lead for RSHE, who will discuss this with you. Parents will be informed and consent given before a sex education lesson is taught.
Psychology in Your World
At Miltoncross, students have the opportunity to choose Psychology as an preference choice at KS4. Psychology follows the AQA specification and during the two years course, students will study the eight fundamental topics of Psychology, such as Memory, Perception, Development, Research Methods, Social Influence, Language, Thought and Communication, Brain and neuropsychology, Psychological problems.
Throughout their learning journey, students are guided and supported to expand their psychological knowledge (including key terminology, key concepts), to develop their critical analysis, and to understand and apply research skills, and to deepen their reading around the subject. Furthermore, students are led to research in depth about how psychological foundations were established, to understand the interrelationships between the core areas of psychology and to comprehend how the studies for topics relate to the associated theory. Formative assessments, extended writing tasks, retrieval practice activities are planned across the curriculum in order to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of psychological ideas and processes.
Psychology is a complex social science, where students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge by taking part in hands on experiments and designing their own experiments. For example, as part of our Neuropsychology topic, students participate in activities such as dissecting animal brains so that they can identify different areas or components of the brain and link it to the human brain. Students can broaden their own experiences when they are offered the chance to meet professionals working in the field as Police or Law representatives are invited to speak to them and they can continue to grow by co-curricular trips to the Science Museum in London or the Criminology Conference.
Psychology is a subject that could offer the students a broad spectrum of career opportunities. Often after studying Psychology at GCSE level, students are inspired to further their studies and take A-level or shorter term courses to study Criminology, Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Law, and Medical School, Public Services (e.g. Police Force).
Child Development
Starting in September 2022, we are fortunate to offer to our students the opportunity to study Child Development.
According to Portsmouth Education Partnership, our city is proud to have a wide range of high quality early years and childcare provision. We have approximately 90 childcare providers on non-domestic premises (e.g. nurseries and pre-schools), more than 100 registered childminders and 10 school nursery classes. The BTEC Tech Award in Child Development offers students an insight into what it is like to work the Early Years sector (which transects childcare, Early Years teaching, and healthcare roles), allowing them to make an informed decision about their future learning and career.
The BTEC Tech Award in Child Development gives students the opportunity to develop broad knowledge and understanding of child development and growth from birth to age five, looking at the impact of a wide range of social and environmental factors. The BTEC Tech Award also looks at how children learn through play, with specific regard to diversity and inclusion, and adaptations to promote learning and support the development, play and learning for children with different needs. Throughout the Tech Award, learners will learn concepts and theory while also developing sector specific practical skills, using appropriate techniques and practices within realistic vocational contexts. Learners will develop key skills such as research and written communication skills which will prepare them for the world of work after leaving school.
Upon successful completion, students could progress onto A Levels or a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC Level 3 National in Children’s Play, Learning and Development or a BTEC Level 3 National in Health and Social Care.